Sara Hall is a member of the 2019 Public Relations Committee
1. Pack LOTS of extra clothes
Nothing will rejuvenate you more than throwing on a new, fresh t-shirt a couple of hours into the Dance Marathon.
1. Pack LOTS of extra clothes
Nothing will rejuvenate you more than throwing on a new, fresh t-shirt a couple of hours into the Dance Marathon.
2. Bring a couple of tennis balls
Odds are you are underestimating the sheer joy that you’ll feel once you start rolling your feet out with tennis balls to help soothe the ache. These are quite possibly the best way to keep your feet feeling alive and well for the full 24 hours.
Odds are you are underestimating the sheer joy that you’ll feel once you start rolling your feet out with tennis balls to help soothe the ache. These are quite possibly the best way to keep your feet feeling alive and well for the full 24 hours.
3. Get prepared to eat. A LOT.
Carolina For The Kids makes sure that our dancers are well fed during the full 24 hours. Between several meals and tons of snacks, you’ll never find yourself hungry during Dance Marathon.
Carolina For The Kids makes sure that our dancers are well fed during the full 24 hours. Between several meals and tons of snacks, you’ll never find yourself hungry during Dance Marathon.
4. Bond with your dancer team!
When morale is low and you’re just ready to go to sleep, you’ll need a solid group of individuals to lean on. Your dancer team will be there through the ups and downs, and these will be some of the people that you find yourself closest to at the end of the marathon.
When morale is low and you’re just ready to go to sleep, you’ll need a solid group of individuals to lean on. Your dancer team will be there through the ups and downs, and these will be some of the people that you find yourself closest to at the end of the marathon.
5. Pace your Red Bull intake
Yes, caffeine will be almost necessary during your 24 hours of standing. However, make sure you don’t try and chug three Red Bulls within an hour. Do that and you’ll find yourself hitting a major wall not to long after. Make sure to space out your caffeine so you can feel like your most energized self for as long as possible.
Yes, caffeine will be almost necessary during your 24 hours of standing. However, make sure you don’t try and chug three Red Bulls within an hour. Do that and you’ll find yourself hitting a major wall not to long after. Make sure to space out your caffeine so you can feel like your most energized self for as long as possible.
6. Be prepared for Family Hour and Total Reveal to bring not only you, but everyone individual in the room to tears.
When you see the faces that you are helping and watch the year-long fundraising finally come to fruition after standing an entire day, you can’t help but become overwhelmed with emotions. So grab your tissues and be prepared to shed a couple of tears.
When you see the faces that you are helping and watch the year-long fundraising finally come to fruition after standing an entire day, you can’t help but become overwhelmed with emotions. So grab your tissues and be prepared to shed a couple of tears.