Jade Monday is the 2021-2022 Morale & Recruitment chair.UNC Dance Marathon is a 12 hour no sleeping, no-sitting event that unites the students of UNC in support of the patients and families at UNC Children’s. It is a year-long fundraising effort that helps to ease the financial burden on patients’ families. Last year was my first year as a member of Carolina for the Kids and as a dancer at UNC Dance Marathon! Due to COVID, DM was held virtually, but despite a few technical difficulties, it was one of the most rewarding and fun experiences I've had here at UNC so far. I met so many amazing people including CFTK members, KCC families, and other UNC students through games like among us and trivia. This year's dance marathon will be held in person and I could not be more excited!! There will be performers, activities, food, and more! It's a great chance to have a positive impact while also having fun with great people. If you are interested in getting involved with Carolina for the Kids, having a great time participating in a Carolina tradition, and supporting the patients and families of UNC Children's, come see us in the pit between 9 am and 3 pm or click this link to sign up! We will also be hosting a dancer/ participant interest meeting on the 27th at 5 pm in room 112 in Hanes Hall if you want to learn more!Comments are closed.
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