Ryan Carp is a member of the Publicity committee.
Alexis Juarez, a senior broadcast and electronic journalism major, first became involved with Carolina For The Kids as a dancer at the 2015 UNC Dance Marathon. At the time, Alexis says Carolina For The Kids “was just another volunteer activity that I thought I would enjoy.” However, after meeting her kid co-captain and seeing the talent show at the end of the Marathon, Alexis says she decided that she wanted to get more involved with Carolina For The Kids as a committee member.
In the past, Alexis was a member of the Entertainment Committee, where she helped book entertainment groups from on and off-campus to perform at the Marathon. This year, Alexis joined the Publicity Committee, tasked with spreading the word about Carolina For The Kids through internal and external communication; a role on the Publicity Committee matched Alexis’ academic background in the UNC School of Media and Journalism.
Alexis loves being a part of Carolina For The Kids, as she can make an impact in the local community and assist the patients and families of UNC Children’s Hospital during their time of need. After participating in the marathon all 4 years, Alexis had advice for those interested in participating in the marathon: “My first piece of advice would be to go for it. There are so many people that I think are scared of standing for 24 hours or think they might not be able to do it, but pushing yourself and being uncomfortable for just a short period of time for the children and their families is so worth it.”
Alexis has embodied a service mentality through her involvement with Carolina For The Kids, and she sees serving others as a major pillar of the Carolina Way. This year, Alexis has also decided to run for Miss UNC. Alexis says she sees Miss UNC as the “highest honor” a senior can receive, denoting a student who personifies the spirit of UNC. By being chosen as Miss UNC, Alexis would also have the opportunity to implement a unique service project this year, “[leaving] a Heel print on communities around the United States and potentially the world.”
Sign up to dance before October 27th at 10pm: carolinaftk.org/dance