Three hundred thirty-six students from East Chapel Hill High School, Chapel Hill High School and Carrboro High School participated in the 6-hour marathon. The neon-themed event featured live performances, raffle prizes, food provided by local restaurants, and team games and competitions.
Last year the CHCCS Dance Marathon raised a total of $7,418.16. All money raised from the event goes towards Carolina FTK’s fundraising total, which benefits the patients and families of the UNC Children's.
“It’s so exciting to see such growth in the fundraising total from last year to this year,” said Publicity Chair Jacob Blount. “The CHCCS Dance Marathon team worked tirelessly to make the marathon successful and we’re so proud that they beat their fundraising goal.”
Carolina FTK’s Community Outreach committee worked alongside the CHCCS Dance Marathon organizers to help plan and schedule the event. Members of the Carolina FTK Executive Board and Community Outreach Committee were in attendance at the marathon.
“We helped with setup and food deliveries, and sold Carolina FTK merchandise at the CHCCS marathon,” said Blount. “We are so thankful to have this relationship with area high schools and hope to see the CHCCS Dance Marathon continue to grow.”
For more information on Carolina FTK, please visit For more information about the CHCCS Dance Marathon, please visit